Some people raise concerns about microwaves safety to human health. Mostly, these are really just odd concerns about the lack of knowledge about how a microwave oven works. Although microwave ovens are still in the sights of researchers and engineers, their principle is relatively simple. So why is a microwave safe? And is it really that safe? Read more
In the last two years, 5G has received a fair amount of media attention from enthusiasts who write about what this technology will allow us to, from politicians who are trying to advance the interests of large companies or distance themselves from certain companies, to conspirators who create hard to believable bizarre nonsenses, such as the theory of COVID-19 disease transmission using 5G transmitters. One way or another, however, 5G opens the way to a very interesting future. What can it bring us and why is 5G revolutionary in this regard? Read more
Over the last ten years, LED lights have dominated the market and brought new innovations in the field of lighting. It has slowly begun to replace more than a century of used incandescent light bulbs and fluorescent lamps. Why have LED lights started to gain such massiveness only now, and what is it that makes LEDs more efficient than a incandescent light bulb or a fluorescent lamp? Read more
We live in a fast world and we don't want to wait long. This is especially true when using the Internet. A long loading of the website makes us mad and we usually leave the unloaded page after a few seconds. However, do you know what are the factors involved in loading a website? There are many of them. Read more
This question depends on how it flashes. Based on principle of its function, every fluorescent lamp flashes. Without electrical ballast twice the mains frequency, i.e. 100x per second. With the ballast then normally in tens of kHz, i.e. 10000x per second. Read more
The first impetus for the emergence of the Internet was the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States. Specifically the successful launch of the Soviet Sputnik 1 spacecraft in 1957. The Soviets had a certain lead in the field of technological struggle and the Americans did not want to lag behind. Read more