Some people love to crack their joints. Most often on the fingers, toes and spine. Other people can't stand this sound. There are people who believe that cracking joints leads to osteoarthritis. But why do joints crack at all? Read more
Everyone has dreams, whether we remember them or not. Sometimes they may be almost indistinguishable from reality, but sometimes they are so bizarre that we do not believe how our minds could have created them. But what is their purpose? Why do we have dreams? Read more
Blood is a liquid tissue composed of blood plasma and blood elements. Its function is to distribute nutrients throughout the body and to remove waste products. It is full of various substances fulfilling various functions from defense against foreign substances, through the transfer of information and nutrients to the cessation of bleeding in case of injury. But what is behind its red color? Read more
Nails are a relatively important part of our body, which we use for various purposes every day. Sometimes they cause us trouble when they break and we have to cut them all the time. But why do nails grow at all and what is their purpose? Read more
Aging is a process that we all feel for ourselves from birth to death. Today's science can already answer a large number of questions about aging, and it continues to strive to uncover more and more secrets of this fate of nature. The aging process is very difficult to explain at the cellular level, but in the macroscopic world, each of us can influence it with relatively simple actions. So what is it that we are aging? Why do some people age faster than others? Can we slow down, stop, or even reverse aging? Read more
Heartburn has been encountered by almost everyone throughout his lives. If this is an isolated case, it is not necessary to solve the situation in any way. However, if it is a chronic condition, it is advisable to see a doctor. It can be a serious disease, which in extreme cases can result in difficult-to-treat esophageal cancer. But why does heartburn occur in the first place and can we do something about it? Read more
From an early age, we can usually name blood groups and we know that the AB group is a universal recipient and O is a universal donor. We later find out that there is a Rh system that also plays an important role not only in blood transfusions. In fact, we know 39 blood systems to this day. Why hasn't anyone told us about the others and is O really universal donor? Read more
When we talk about muscle growth, we often think of a person going to the gym, lifts heavy dumbbells, drinks protein drinks, maybe even takes a photo in the mirror and occasionally uploads the photo to one of the social networks... but seriously, is this the only possible way of muscle growth? What really happens to muscles during physical exercise? Read more
Usually we are not aware of breathing. The respiratory muscles automatically work to absorb the new air and remove the old one. We exchange breathing gases, without which we cannot normally survive even a few minutes. But why do we breathe in the first place? Read more
Dandruff is the dead part of the skin on the head, or other parts of the body, which differ from the normal death of the skin in size and possibly other accompanying effects such as itching. About half of the adult population, more often men than women, suffer from dandruff, and several false myths circulate around them. What are the predispositions to dandruff and can we get rid of them at all? Read more