If we leave the butter in the heat for a long time or in the fridge for a very long time, its surface will start to get a deep yellow color and the butter will start to smell very unpleasant. This is a process called rancidity. Yellowed butter is no longer suitable for consumption. But why does rancidity occur? Read more
Onions are a popular kitchen vegetable that is used almost all over the world. In addition to food preparation, it is also used in medicine for various digestive or inflammatory diseases, as well as for arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure. But why does it cause burning eyes when slicing? Read more
Chili peppers are an unmistakable ingredient in the kitchen, known for its sharp taste. The cuisines of many countries around the world are known for their spicy dishes. It is possible to name, for example, Mexico, China, Korea, but also Hungary, where ground pepper is even a national spice. Some growers even compete in cultivating the world's hottest peppers. But what is it that makes chili peppers burn? Read more
We all know that an apple turns brown after being cut or beaten. The same phenomenon can be observed in mangoes, avocados, or potatoes, for example. An apple loses its quality when beaten and is less marketable for traders. But why does browning occur at all? Read more
The feeling of burning the tongue after eating a large amount of pineapple is caused by a plant enzyme called bromelain. It is concentrated in the pineapple at the stem, which forms the middle hard part of the fruit. However, the area around the stem is usually eaten after the hard parts have been cut off. Read more