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Why is the World Cup in Qatar controversial

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Why is the World Cup in Qatar controversial The FIFA World Cup will take place in Qatar from 21 November to 18 December 2022. Qatar won the secret ballot in 2010, beating the United States, Australia, Japan and South Korea. From the very beginning, the organization of the World Cup was accompanied by a number of controversies. Why is this event so controversial and what is it about? Read more

Why the Japanese performed seppuku

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Why the Japanese performed seppuku Seppuku, also known as harakiri, is the ritual suicide of the samurai code of bushido. Traditionally, this ritual was only allowed to samurai. It has been banned in Japan since 1873. But why did the samurai approach this act? Read more

Why a maypole is build

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Why a maypole is build Maypole is a decoration made of a cut tree trunk, mostly spruce, the tip of which is formed by a wreath decorated with ribbons. In the Czech Republic, a maypole is being built on April 30 or May 1, or in other countries on the feast of St. George, Pentecost or during the Midsummer. This tradition is widespread almost throughout Europe and has survived even the spread of Christianity. But why is the maypole being built at the first place? Read more

Why is Children's Day Celebrated

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Why is Children's Day Celebrated Children's Day is a day that commemorates the rights of the child. It is celebrated every year all over the world and in different parts of the world it is celebrated on a different day. What is the history of Children's Day and why do we celebrate it in the first place? Read more

Why is Labor Day celebrated

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Why is Labor Day celebrated Labor Day is celebrated in almost all countries of the world, the vast majority on May 1. This makes Labor Day one of the most successful holidays in terms of the number of people it affects. But why was Labor Day created at all? Read more

Why is Easter celebrated

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Why is Easter celebrated Easter is the most important Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, which, according to the New Testament, took place on the third day after his burial in about year 30 in nowadays Jerusalem. But why are we celebrating this event and what historical circumstances led to it? Read more

Why is Christmas celebrated

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Why is Christmas celebrated Christmas is an annual holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. The exact date of Jesus' birth is unknown, but it has been dated December 25 since the 4th century. Christmas is a holiday celebrated almost all over the world, even by non-Christians and in some countries where Christianity is not the majority religion. So, what are the reasons for celebrating Christmas? Read more

Why to get married

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Why to get married In human society, marriage is a very old concept of sexual cohabitation of two or more partners of different or the same sex, but still most often between one man and one woman. But is marriage necessary in today's relatively liberal world? What are the main arguments for getting married? Read more