The Yellow River is the second longest river in China, after the long river, and the sixth longest river in the world. The answer to the question of “why it the Yellow River yellow” and the Long River long is relatively simple with a little sarcasm. But is it really so? How far does the beginnings of the Yellow River name go?
The Yellow River, 黄河 in Chinese (Huang He => Yellow River), is considered the cradle of Chinese civilization. Paradoxically, it is also the river that, due to frequent floods, has claimed the most lives of all purely natural disasters.
The first mention of the Yellow River as a "river" can be found in the literature from 475 - 221 BC. The phrase "Yellow River" first appeared in the Han Book published in 111 AD. The color is caused by a muddy bottom created by the flow of water through loess plateaus in the middle course of the river.