Health Health

Why do we have cancer

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Why do we have cancer Cancer is a group of diseases that cause abnormal cell growth and have the ability to attack other parts of the body. Formerly a rather rare cause, today it counts for more than 15 % of deaths. Why are there so many cases of cancer today and how can we avoid it by our own choice in most cases? Read more

Why do we have the flu

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Why do we have the flu Every year, we hear in the news that a flu epidemic has broken out. Some of us go to be vaccinated preventively. Many of us have never had the flu in our lives. From the news we sometimes hear terms like bird flu, swine flu, H5N1. But if we are not directly affected, we will usually lose interest in the topic soon. But why does the flu even exist? Is it with humans from the dawn of their existence, or does it have a beginning in the human population? Read more

Why to become a vegan

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Why to become a vegan Veganism has been a growing trend for a long time. Today, its expansion is so great that not only do almost all restaurants offer some vegan food, but there are also many restaurants, chains and shops that fully focus on this trend. But what are the reasons that lead people to become vegans? Read more

Why is sugar harmful

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Why is sugar harmful Sugar is said to be the most common drug in the world. We find it in sweets, we add it to coffee or tea, it plays an important role on holidays such as Christmas, and we even consume it in foods where we would not even expect it. Many food manufacturers artificially add it to their products to make people enjoy the products more, and retailers sell them more. But for centuries, sugar in Europe was considered a luxury commodity that only the richest of the rich could afford. How is it that sugar is so cheap and widespread now? What are the hidden threats to its excessive consumption? Read more

Why do our teeth go bad

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Why do our teeth go bad Up to 2.3 billion people suffer from tooth decay, which is about 32 % of all people on Earth. Tooth decay is mainly associated with poor people who do not have access to proper oral hygiene. However, this cannot be said about the Czech Republic, where up to 80 % of people encounter tooth decay during their lives! So, what causes tooth decay? Why do our teeth go bad? Read more

Why does our hair grow

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Why does our hair grow Among other things, hair plays a very important social role in human life. They can have different colors, shapes, lengths, curvatures across different ethnicities. Hair is biologically almost identical to fur in animals. But people do not have hair on most of their body or do not have in distinct quantities. Why on the head we have it and why in such quantities? Read more

Why do we yawn

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Why do we yawn The answer to the question why we yawn is not entirely clear. One theory states that yawning oxygenates the brain, and another that it cools the brain. Recent research tends to lean towards the second variant. The brain works better and falls asleep. Read more