Christmas is an annual holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. The exact date of Jesus' birth is unknown, but it has been dated December 25 since the 4th century. Christmas is a holiday celebrated almost all over the world, even by non-Christians and in some countries where Christianity is not the majority religion. So, what are the reasons for celebrating Christmas?
Neither the Gospel of Luke nor the Gospel of Matthew mentions the exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ. However, it is known that the first recorded celebration of Christmas was on December 25, 336 in Rome. The coronation of the Frankish King Charlemagne on December 25, 800, added to the importance of Christmas. However, the holiday was associated with drunkenness and was thus banned during the Reformation of the Church. Christmas became a legitimate holiday again in 1660. It was not until the beginning of the 18th century that Christmas took on the dimension of well-being, family coexistence and the exchange of gifts, mainly thanks to the writers Washington Irving and Charles Dickens. Christmas, as we know it today, did not spread until the 1950s. Today, they are mainly the subject of advertising and mass consumption.
However, for Christians, Christmas is above all a reminder of the day when God, in the form of man, descended from heaven to correct human sins.